We are the

1 in 6

We understand the emotional roller-coaster of the fertility journey because we've been there. Founded by a mother inspired by personal experiences and the strength of her son, Seedling emerged as the beacon of hope and support that many on this path were searching for.

Infertility is not a solitary journey, with the World Health Organization stating that 1 in 6 people globally face it — that's over 1.3 billion individuals! Seedling stands as a testament to resilience, aiming to bring guidance and companionship to this massive community

Inspiration Behind Seedling

Our founder faced challenges that many can relate to but few talk about. From the pain of ectopic pregnancies to confronting the very real fear of never holding her own child, her journey through the maze of IVF was nothing short of overwhelming. Yet, in the midst of this, a thought kept echoing in her mind: "I've used apps to manage all aspects of life. Why was there nothing out there for the most important journey of my life?" It was this thought, combined with her experiences and resilience, that planted the seed for Seedling.

Our mission:

Change the game for the 1.3 Billion people struggling with infertility

Our dedication is unwavering: to simplify the complex, to bring hope in uncertainty, and to make the IVF and fertility journey a little less stressful for everyone.

Be Part of the Revolution

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