The ABCs of Fertility: An Intro to IUI, IVF, ICSI, and FET

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Starting a family can sometimes be more complex than many of us expect. The World Health Organization says that 1 in 6 of us have fertility issues, that’s 17.3% of the world's population. Knowing where and how to start is often extremely daunting, with terms like IUI, IVF, ICSI, and FET being thrown around, it's easy to feel a bit lost. But don't worry! We're here to break down the basics and provide you with a friendly, easy-to-understand guide. Whether you're embarking on your fertility journey for the first time or brushing up on your knowledge, let's dive in together!

What is IUI? Otherwise known as Intrauterine Insemination

In simple terms, IUI is all about helping sperm get to where it needs to go: the egg. During this procedure, a doctor will place sperm directly inside the uterus to facilitate fertilisation. This method can be particularly helpful for those with certain fertility issues like:

Cervical Factor Infertility
: This occurs when the cervix does not produce enough mucus, or the mucus is too thick to allow sperm to travel through to the uterus. In these cases, bypassing the cervix with IUI can increase the chances of sperm meeting an egg.

Mild Male Factor Infertility
: If a man has a lower sperm count or reduced sperm motility, IUI can help by placing the sperm closer to the egg, reducing the distance and barriers the sperm need to overcome.

Unexplained Infertility
: For couples who have had difficulty conceiving but haven't received a clear reason why, IUI can be an initial method to try before more complex treatments like IVF.

IUI is also often the go to fertility treatment option for single parents and LGBTQ+ couples looking to conceive.

Key Takeaways:

  • Increases the number of sperm that reach the fallopian tubes
  • Simple and less invasive
  • Often one of the first methods tried

What is IVF? Also known as In Vitro Fertilisation

IVF is probably the most widely recognised fertility treatment. It involves retrieving eggs from the ovaries, fertilising them in a lab, and then implanting the fertilised egg(s) into the uterus. Think of it as a little science miracle where the meeting of egg and sperm takes place outside of the body, instead of in the fallopian tube. 

Key Takeaways:

  • Useful for those with blocked fallopian tubes or male factor infertility
  • Can use donor eggs or sperm
  • More involved but often has higher success rates

What is ICSI? Or, Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection

ICSI might sound complicated, but it's essentially a specialised form of IVF. In this case, a single sperm is injected directly into an egg to assist with fertilisation. This technique can be a game-changer for couples dealing with male-factor infertility issues. It allows for the best sperm to be carefully selected for the best chance of fertilisation

Key Takeaways:

  • Specifically helps when there's low sperm mobility
  • Increases chances of fertilisation
  • Commonly used in conjunction with IVF

What is FET? Or commonly known as Frozen Embryo Transfer

After an IVF cycle, there might be viable embryos left over. These embryos can be frozen for use at a later date. When they're transferred to the uterus, that's what we call a Frozen Embryo Transfer or FET for short. It's a fantastic option for those looking to expand their family in the future without undergoing a full IVF cycle again.

Key Takeaways:

  • Uses embryos from a previous IVF cycle
  • Can be scheduled at a convenient time for the patient
  • Often has a slightly higher success rate compared to fresh transfers

The World of Fertility Can be Overwhelming

The world of fertility treatments can seem overwhelming, but with a little knowledge, it becomes much easier to navigate. Remember, everyone’s journey is unique. What works for one might not work for another. As hard as it is, try not to compare your journey to that of someone else's. 

Most important thing to remember is that it’s always essential to consult with a fertility specialist to understand the best options for your personal situation.

We hope this breakdown has been helpful. We're cheering for you on your journey, wherever it may lead!

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